A Free and Flexible Sorting Utility

Windows Installation

After downloading the Windows install file, double click the setup file to run the installer. You will be prompted to select a few options such as where to install the files as well as whether to include a desktop icon.

The Windows executable is currently only 32-bit due to limitations of cx_freeze. We hope to have a 64-bit version available in the near future.

After successful installation, you should be able to launch the program from either your Program Files folder or the Start Menu.

Mac Installation

The Mac executable is found within the macOS Disk Image file (DMG) that is available here. After downloading the DMG file, double click the file to mount the disk image.

If mounting the disk image doesn't automatically open a Finder window showing the contents, then you will need to navigate to the /Volumes/DICOM Sort folder on your machine.

Simply drag and drop the DICOM Sort.app file from the DMG onto your local machine, preferably in your Applications folder. Double-clicking the file should launch the program.

Source Installation

It may be desirable to run the software using the source code if there is a bug fix that may not yet be available in the executable form, or possibly if you're running Linux. To successfully install from source, you will need to install all dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file. DICOM Sort is only tested to work on Python 3.7+.

The stable release of the source code can be found here. The source code can either be downloaded directly from github or cloned using the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/dicomsort/dicomsort
Once you have downloaded the source code and installed the appropriate modules, you should be able to launch the software by running the dicomsort bin stub.
$ ./bin/dicomsort

The Source Directory

The first step in the sorting process is to specify where the DICOM images that you would like to sort are located. Typically this would be a CD exported from either an imaging system or PACS system.

Sorting is performed in a recursive fashion in that all images in the source directory are sorted, even those in subfolders. As a result be careful and specify a directory that contains only the images that you would like to sort.

The source directory can be specified using the Browse button or simply by entering the directory or dragging the directory into the text field.

Once the directory has been selected, the program will scan the folder in an attempt to find DICOM images. A warning will be provided if no valid DICOM images were located. If all goes well, the DICOM Properties list should be populated with fields from the DICOM header

DICOM Properties

The DICOM Properties provides a list of valid fields that were available for the DICOM images within your source directory. These are the fields that can be used for sorting. It is important to note that this list will change from modality to modality and image to image.

In order to quickly find a particular DICOM header field, use the search box located below the DICOM Properties list.

Properties To Use

The Properties To Use list shows the fields that are going to be used for the sorting. By default, the SeriesDescription is used.

The top of the list represents the top-level folder while lower items are successive subfolders

Adding Sortable Fields

Fields can be selected for sorting by either double-clicking on the property in the DICOM Properties list, or clicking on the >> button.

New fields are either added at the top of the list of underneath the currently-selected item.

Removing Sortable Fields

Fields can be removed from analysis by either double-clicking on the property in the Properties to Use list, or clicking on the << button.

Due to the fact that SeriesDescription often distinguishes similar images, if you choose to remove the SeriesDescription field, you will be prompted if you want to change the file naming convention to ensure unique sorting.

Reordering Sortable Fields

You can re-arrange the ordering of the Properties to Use list by either dragging the fields around or using the Up and Down buttons.

Filename Format

By default we use a filename format which is a combination of the image type and instance number. This results in Images such as:

  • Image (0001)
  • Mag (0001)
  • Phase (0001)

This behavior can be changed in the preferences panel accessible via the File menu.

The options are as follows:

  • Image (0001) - This is the default behavior as described above
  • Keep Original Filename - Like it states, this will use the original names rather than renaming the individual files. The files, however will still be sorted into subfolders.
  • Custom Filename Format - You can specify the filename specification you would like to use. You are able to use token-based python string notation using any valid DICOM field (more info here. The string that currently populates this field is the string that is used to generate the Image (0001) format.

Sorting The Images

When you are satisfied with your selection, click the Sort Images button to perform the sorting. You will be presented with a dialog to select the destination directory. This can be an existing directory or a new directory. If you hit cancel, the sorting procedure will not be performed.

The status of the sorting procedure is displayed in the status bar. If there is an error during sorting, a log file will be created in the program folder. Be sure to submit a bug report so we can get it fixed!

Standard Anonymization

Anonymization can be performed during image sorting or on DICOM images in-place. The user can enable Anonymization by simply selecting the Anonymize Data checkbox above the Sort Images button. When you check this box, you will be presented with a popup which allows you to specify the replacement Patient Name and optionally the PatientID.

Custom Anonymization

Because manufacturers all interpret the DICOM standard differently, it may be necessary to specify additional fields to anonymize. You can specify the fields to anonymize as well as the replacement values in the Preference panel (Accessible from the File Dialog).

Specifying Field to Anonymize

To specify that you want to remove a field from the DICOM images, be sure that the checkbox next to the field is selected. The field will be replaced by the value specified to the right, or nothing if it is left blank.

Specifying a Replacement Value

You can specify the value to use in place of the actual data in the right-hand column.

One of the real powerful features is that you can use python-based token-based string replacements. For example, in the screenshot above, the PatientID field will be filled in with the value of the PatientName field. The token can be any other valid DICOM field present in the image. More information about the token-based strings can be found here.

Be sure to save your own default configuration to make your life easier.